Save money by securing your digital communications!

Who has never felt a hint of anxiety deep inside, increasing in intensity as the time to send sensitive information approaches? By using Secure Exchanges, your doubts will be dispelled in favour of serenity and a preserved reputation.

If Secure Exchanges can contribute on its own scale to your personal well-being and protect your company's image, it can also contribute to its financial health: yes, protecting your electronic communications can save you money.

Reduce your communication costs by using Secure Exchanges

Would you like to exchange private information with your customers? Whatever your sector of activity, insurance, finance, legal, accounting or any other business requiring the confidentiality of transmitted data, Secure Exchanges is made for you! Indeed, you will be able to communicate in a totally secure way while reducing your costs.

The slightest physical shipment is an additional expense in your budget. Carrying out all these operations, in person or through an external freight forwarder, represents a cost for your company, or even for your customer.

Do you use Canada Post® or any other physical freight carrier who, through an acknowledgement of receipt, ensures that your documents are in the hands of your recipient? Secure Exchanges allows you to reduce these costs exponentially by sending them electronically. Not only will you get a guarantee that they have arrived safely, but you can also include a return envelope allowing the recipient to respond securely and free of charge even if they are not using Secure Exchanges.

Secure Exchanges not only guarantees you the confidentiality of your two-way electronic exchanges for an affordable monthly amount previously chosen, but also allows you to optimize many processes thanks to our APIs.

By automating recurring actions, you increase the efficiency, productivity and therefore profitability of your company, thereby increasing your profit margin!

Don't underestimate the impact of hacking on your finances

How many insurance policies do you have to protect yourself in the event of an unexpected problem? Anticipating the unexpected in order to avoid the worst, anticipating the unpredictable so that you do not have to suffer the consequences, nor pay the related costs: this is exactly what Secure Exchanges offers you when you exchange sensitive data.

The disclosure of confidential data that your customers and partners thought was safe with you could instantly damage your reputation. How many cases of this type have recently made the headlines ? Don't let your sensitive information fall into the wrong hands, you could lose your cool, your reputation and a lot of money.

With an average cost of a security breach of $3,500,000*, Secure Exchanges is a cost-effective solution that can save you the significant repair costs that leaking information would cost you.

The following question was asked: What are the impact of Certificate Authority (CA) compromise or rogue CA for man-in-middle (MITM) and phishing attacks

Average cost: $3,482,650.

Secure Exchanges uses an additional level of encryption, even in the event of an attack (MITM) communications cannot be decrypted.

Complete report

Reference Ponemon® January 2019

Don't wait until you are faced with a fait accompli and have to pay a very high price for experts who will eventually help you get out of a situation with disastrous repercussions for your company. Be proactive and act now: anticipate by integrating Secure Exchanges into your work environment...

*2019 Cost of Data Breach: Global Analysis. Ponemon Institute, 2019