Technical information

Secure Exchanges is one of the most advanced email security system in the world! By using it, you are sure to benefit from the latest and most efficient technologies, both for your emails and for the softwares’ data transmission!

How can Secure Exchanges protect your emails?

View our demonstration videos

We have provided our customers with a full range of explanatory videos to help them understand how Secure Exchanges works. You can consult at any time our videos.


A highly sophisticated encryption system

By sending an email with Secure Exchanges, your confidential information is completely secure. This guarantee is possible thanks to a unique encryption system updated with every evolution of the latest technologies.

The The AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) 256 is the highest level of encryption currently available on the market. Only the recipient and the sender know the encryption key. Without this key, it would take about 2.8 billion years to unlock the message. In other words, it's impossible!

In addition, at no time does Secure Exchanges know the sender, recipient or keys used to transfer content : the security of your company supported by hackers using their skills and competencies to serve the light side of the Force.

Easily download and install the appropriate plug-in

Not only does Secure Exchanges will protect your email and SMS messages on many devices(computers, tablets or mobile phones), but it will also be easy to use and integrate with many other platforms (CRM, KeePass, Wordpress, Sharepoint, Office 365 and many more...), all of which may be representing a weak point in your online data transfers security.

*Microsoft Outlook connector (2010/ 2013 / 2016 / Outlook 365)

Outlook Desktop
version : 2024.09.07.1
last update : 07/09/2024

For more information on how to install the plug-in, please visit our YouTube channel.

 Download help document

*Available on Windows only

* To define the signature areas or PDF documents in Microsoft Outlook. (SEOASF)

Outlook Desktop SEOASF
version : 2023.11.161
last update : 16/11/2023

Install our specially designed tool to define the signature areas of the PDFs you want to sign, without having to leave Outlook.

You can watch our help videos to understand how it works simply and effectively.

*Available on Windows only

*Extension for Gmail (browsers supported Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge (chrome base), Brave)

Chrome extension for Gmail
version : 2024.08.19
last update : 19/08/2024

For more information on how to install the plug-in, please visit our YouTube channel.

* MacOs, Windows and Linux compatible


plugin version :
last update : 25/08/2021

KeePass is a free open source password manager that helps you manage your passwords securely. With the Secure Exchanges plugin, you can email a password to a customer, partner or colleague without worrying about it being intercepted. Don't have Keepass yet?

Find out how to install and use Secure Exchanges in Keepass.

* Available on Windows only

* Windows service SESAR

Service windows SESAR
version : 2024.09.091
last update : 09/09/2024

Download the SESAR (Secure Exchanges Send And Received) synchronization service. With SESAR synchronize all the exchanges made within your organization in your infrastructure and keep as long as you want the secure exchanges made within your organization. A SESAR license is required to use this service.

How it work ?

*Available on Windows only

SDK .net Secure Exchanges

Using internal software that sends confidential information? Secure Exchanges is a SaaS (Software as a Service) solution that allows third party software to exchange information in complete confidentiality through secure APIs (Application Programming Interface).

Moreover, our SDK (Software development kit) will make it even easier to integrate (.Net). Only a few lines of code will be needed to integrate it.

Ensure the security of confidential data sent through most of your softwares. Be guaranteed to quickly retrieve confidential documents received by email and safely store them in your software

Ultimate exclusive high end bonus : your contact will be able to answer you in a totally secure way without subscribing or installing anything!